Saturday, November 2, 2013

s u c c e s s

when it comes to fears, i only have one.
that one thought that haunts the deepest corners of my mind, failure

 If success is what i aim for, then what is the meaning of success?

is it bright green money? no, anyone can have thousands of bills and not be a success

i mean, you can pretty much be rich and still be a failure among your peers

is it building a family? no... as far as im concerned i met one successful family out of a dozen 
..maybe its doing both of these and still keeping something called VALUES

to be honest i want to do something great, i want to create something that has never been done before
 but what could that be..... ?

whatever life brings my way, i never want to stop until i succeed at it

Monday, July 22, 2013

7/22/2013 CAREER

I wonder sometimes why i have so much difficulty in choosing a career. Is it because i am scared of becoming someone i do not want to be? Maybe if i start by crossing off the career choices i do not want to take i can get to the one i do desire. I love Business, I love everything about it, i love all the terms and the way it has so much to do with social science. I like to examine life and people all the time. what is a good middle for that? Maybe i need a mentor, someone who has had the same doubts and fears as i do now.

Currently i am looking for great opportunities in the company i am in. It is not much but i have observed their exceptional behavior towards the employees, So for the meanwhile i will try my best to show them how worthy of their trust i am. They have always told me that you can go far with determination, but i don't want to go far, i want to go all the way.

Like they say,

Monday, July 15, 2013


Today i start the GYM, FINALLY i will be on my way to the perfect body.
OKAY, so its not like i have much to work on but i do admit, i have gotten pretty lazy and this means i have a big jiggly belly and a booty that can be a lot better. My goal is to eat healthier (although i had cake this morning -_-) and have sexy abs. I want to look like a Victoria's secret model... seriously....
Also i will be toning my legs, butt, and arms. SO excited, i will update later :)


Today is the birth of my blog, here i will be expressing my dreams and outlooks in life.
I felt that i needed extra motivation to become the successful person i want to become, so i decided to make a space where i can jot down my ideas and continuously motivate myself to become the very best of myself.
If i can learn to focus my energy in the things i want to accomplish and become surrounded by, then there is nothing that shall stop me.  

thank you